Lili's Proto Lab


Q: Where can we find you?

A: In the Caroline Bleekergebouw. Ground floor, next to the Scientific Instrumentation department.

Q: When can I use the space?

A: Our opening hours are Mon-Fri from 8:30 till 17:00. We have support available from 1 till 5 PM, without the need for an appointment. Until 1 PM the hub is open, but the staff is only available on appointment. Make an appointment via email:

Q: For what should I use the space?

A: You have an idea that can improve the University, want to learn to fabricate, prototype or just start asking questions.

Q: Can I realize my long-term project in your space?

A: Yes! We aim to build a community of makers and experimenters in Lili’s Proto Lab.

Q: Where do I start if I want to realize my idea?

See our application form.

Q: I don’t have any funds to realize my idea, can I still prototype with you?

A: Yes! Write an application form, and we can provide up to 500 euros. If the project grows, so can the budget!

Q: Can I just come by and do a little job? I don’t want to be part of any community. 

A: Sure! Adjacent to us is the Job Shop. Here you can do little jobs that are not difficult but just require a specific machine / tool etc. Come by and speak to Lili’s Proto Lab and we can see what needs to be done.

Q: Who should I contact and how?

A: We are reachable by email ( OR you can just come by (ground floor of the Caroline Bleekergebouw).

Q: I am not a student or colleague of the University, can I still use the lab?

A: Lili’s Proto Lab is intended for projects associated with the University. However, if you have a good reason why an exception should be made you can always email! Please explicitly mention you are coming from outside the university in your email.